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How long does laser hair removal last?

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Now-a-days laser treatment is getting famous and most of the males and females are using this method to not only remove unwanted hair but also have a glowing and young skin. Instead of going for the old methods and do either waxing or threading which are quite tiring as well, why not try this new method which is easy as well. if you are thinking that laser treatments are expensive or not skin-friendly then you need to think again as there are lots of advancement being made in this industry and you will have a great experience.

Does the laser treatment actually work?

There are some questions that might be rising in your mind that after spending money on laser treatment would the hair will be removed permanently or you might have to undergo throughout your life. Well, there are lots of assumptions which are being made in this sense but let’s be clear that which type of laser treatment you are choosing.

How many sessions do I need?

If you are thinking that if you have done two or three sessions of laser then it will permanently remove hair from your body but the fact is otherwise. You need to understand that laser hair removal works by heating the hair follicles which will stop the new hair from growing but it doesn’t mean that you would get rid of unwanted hair completely.

How long does the laser hair removal last in fact?

Mostly the laser hair removal last for about 6 to 8 months but even then there is a probability that some hair may grow back. And any re growth of hair can be managed with touch-up treatments every six to twelve months. While there are permanent laser hair removal treatments as well such as misnomer in which every six to eight treatments you can see a marked reduction in hair.

Why my hair is growing back?

Once you have made up your mind that you are going to do the laser treatment for removing unwanted hairs then you need not to worry about it that your hair is growing back after laser. After laser treatment for hair removal it is common for hair to re grow, this is because the hair’s growth cycle. The laser focus on a beam of low-energy light on individual follicles underneath the skin and remove the hair. So, you need not to worry that the treatment is not working or you must leave it etc.

All you need is a touch-up?

Don’t worry that you have to start from a scratch and all the sessions you have done are going to be wasted but the fact is that if your hair is growing back ten all you need is a little touch-up and you are done.

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